The Temptation Of Tim - Studio Video
The Temptation Of Tim - New York Production

The Temptation Of Tim
The Devil Tries To Take Control
Of The World Wide Web At Its Creation.
She Can't Outsmart Tim
by Richard Jennings
Time - 7:40
Performed to recorded tracks.
80's pop synth style.
The first production was a video created at
Berkeley Community Media Center.
New York
Variations Theatre Group's Harvest Theatre Festival
The Chain Theatre
The Dramatist Guild of America
San Francisco Footlights Series
The Tides Theatre
Expanded from real events, this story connects with everyone in the modern world.
With strong, attractive characters, lots of dramatic action unfurls in this five song, seven minutes and forty second melodically rich musical.
The story centers on the creation of the World Wide Web on Christmas Day, 1990. Tim Berners-Lee, the W3 creator, is tempted to turn his creation to the Devil’s purposes. Good thing for all of us, she couldn’t outsmart Tim.
The recorded accompaniment tracks are totally period-vintage synths,
composed in the Synth-Pop style of the late Eighties.
The Temptation Of Tim story is set at the moment of creation of the World Wide Web. It's creator, Tim Berners-Lee, struggles to find the last two keystrokes (// and #) to complete his HTML language. As his frustration rises, the Devil appears in the form of a seductress to tempt him with the information he seeks in exchange for her control of W3. She promises riches and fame, yet in a mighty battle of wits, Tim insists that W3 is "for everyone, for free". Good and evil fight mightily for control of what will become one of the biggest innovations of humankind, You'll have to see it to learn how it turns out. Just know, a lot happens in seven minutes!
Cast: male and a female (20’s-40)
Tim - adult male - baritone - A bit nerdy, yet kinda cool
She - (the Devil) - adult female - mid range - temptress
Christmas,1990. Place - Tim's computer terminal
Empty stage - except for small table and chair.
(From the broadwayworld. com feature story.)
You may remember that Tim Berners-Lee was featured and honored in the opening ceremony of the London Olympics.
His tweet "This is for everyone", embodies the spirit of this
modern day hero who made the world a better place.